Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Implementation Evaluation Control

In order to succeed with our marketing strategies for C'est La Vie Vodka, implementing our objectives is the best way to start. "Marketing Implementation is the process that turns marketing strategies and plans into marketing actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing objectives"(Marketing An Introduction 10th Edition p33). As mentioned in C'est La Vie Vodka's marketing objectives, "The design concept allows the vodka to be different from its competitors by using a different shaped bottle unlike the usual vodka bottle. The bottle will appeal to its target market which consists of females ages 21 to 30 so much they may even want to keep the bottles as a collection." In order to accomplish this goal, the design of the vodka bottle must be chosen as well as the labeling. Other research must be done as well to ensure that their are no other bottles or labeling alike. "Control consists of measuring and evaluating the results of marketing activities and taking corrective action where needed"((Marketing An Introduction 10th Edition p31). To keep control of our marketing activities, the change in bottle shape will only be drastic enough to be recognized as the unique vodka that C'est La Vie is.

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